
Security Assessments

We provide a wide variety of security assessment services to support your security team, administrators, developers, and leadership: Architecture reviews, merger and acquisition environment analysis, assumed breach assessments, web assessments, and penetration testing. Each of these provide your team with information to feed into your vulnerability and risk analysis programs.


ICS Security Assessments

ICS Assessments begin with the evaluation of the implemented processes and their deployment within your organization. We work with your team to understand these processes, obtain an overview of your business goals, and determine the most significant threats to the success of these teams and the technologies they support. Security testing is then performed to evaluate how your current controls protect your processes against common and determined attackers that wish to disrupt your organization’s success. Our assessment result in pointed and prioritized findings that will help your team improve the maturity of your security program and ensure the effectiveness of your process to achieve your business goals.


Assumed Breach Assessments

Attackers typically start their attacks using the credentials of employees or contractors. They leverage this access to evaluate your technologies and locate information that helps them determine and complete their varying objectives. Assumed Breach Assessments start with normal user credentials and evaluate the methods attackers can use to elevate their privileges, propagate within your environment, exfiltrate data, and achieve their goals. Understanding these methods will help your team understand the most effective means to securing your systems to identify their activity and prevent their success.


Vulnerability Assessments

An effective vulnerability management program needs constant tuning and maintenance. Let us augment your team with a fresh set of eyes and ideas to improve the implementation or your risk and vulnerability management program. We stand ready to work with your security team, and the business units they support, to ensure the vulnerability assessment technologies supporting your business goals are practical and efficient.


Application Assessment

Organizations are constantly evolving and changing according to business needs and requirements. You developers, administrators, and security teams often need a second set of eyes to help them review new or updated on-premises and cloud-based applications, websites, and other technologies. Let us help your teams understand how these changes have affected the risk to your business’ goals.